


Designing the next generation of identity verification technology

Designing the next generation of identity verification technology

Designing the next generation of identity verification technology

Product Design User Research Product Strategy

Product Design User Research Product Strategy

Product Design User Research Product Strategy

Montage of screenshots of Onfido's motion app

Onfido is the new identity standard for the internet, building a full-service suite of AI-powered identity verification solutions with fairness and inclusiveness at their core. As VP of Product Design and User Research, I’ve worked closely with the company's founders, executive team, and leaders through two funding rounds to grow our year-on-year sales by over 264%. Here are some of our most impactful initiatives:


Working closely with engineers and applied scientists, we rapidly iterated over 30 prototypes to arrive at the perfect balance of user experience and the ability to identify a range of biometric spoofs, including printouts, screens, and 2D and 3D masks.

This technology was featured in the BBC documentary series The Secret Genius of Modern Life.

With our new user interface, 82.5% of users found the flow easy to complete, and 90% of users succeeded in capturing their faces on their first try. As a result, 92.5% of users report a positive experience. Motion is 100% automated and able to process 99% of users’ faces in less than 20 seconds. We were granted iBeta level 2 compliance on iOS and Android, which means we can prevent fraud in all but the most sophisticated attacks.


In partnership with Product and Engineering leadership, our design team launched Onfido Studio, a robust identity orchestration layer that enables organizations to build and optimize multiple identity verification workflows using a no-code user interface. This release improved fraud accuracy by 54% and fully automated performance by 12x.

Studio represents the future of our platform, enabling our clients to configure and optimize their identity verification workflows, leading to increased conversion, reduced Customer Acquisition Costs, resilience against fraud attacks, and compliance with global regulations out-of-the-box.

Montage of screenshots of Onfido's motion app

Onfido is the new identity standard for the internet, building a full-service suite of AI-powered identity verification solutions with fairness and inclusiveness at their core. As VP of Product Design and User Research, I’ve worked closely with the company's founders, executive team, and leaders through two funding rounds to grow our year-on-year sales by over 264%. Here are some of our most impactful initiatives:


Working closely with engineers and applied scientists, we rapidly iterated over 30 prototypes to arrive at the perfect balance of user experience and the ability to identify a range of biometric spoofs, including printouts, screens, and 2D and 3D masks.

This technology was featured in the BBC documentary series The Secret Genius of Modern Life.

With our new user interface, 82.5% of users found the flow easy to complete, and 90% of users succeeded in capturing their faces on their first try. As a result, 92.5% of users report a positive experience. Motion is 100% automated and able to process 99% of users’ faces in less than 20 seconds. We were granted iBeta level 2 compliance on iOS and Android, which means we can prevent fraud in all but the most sophisticated attacks.


In partnership with Product and Engineering leadership, our design team launched Onfido Studio, a robust identity orchestration layer that enables organizations to build and optimize multiple identity verification workflows using a no-code user interface. This release improved fraud accuracy by 54% and fully automated performance by 12x.

Studio represents the future of our platform, enabling our clients to configure and optimize their identity verification workflows, leading to increased conversion, reduced Customer Acquisition Costs, resilience against fraud attacks, and compliance with global regulations out-of-the-box.

Montage of screenshots of Onfido's motion app

Onfido is the new identity standard for the internet, building a full-service suite of AI-powered identity verification solutions with fairness and inclusiveness at their core. As VP of Product Design and User Research, I’ve worked closely with the company's founders, executive team, and leaders through two funding rounds to grow our year-on-year sales by over 264%. Here are some of our most impactful initiatives:


Working closely with engineers and applied scientists, we rapidly iterated over 30 prototypes to arrive at the perfect balance of user experience and the ability to identify a range of biometric spoofs, including printouts, screens, and 2D and 3D masks.

This technology was featured in the BBC documentary series The Secret Genius of Modern Life.

With our new user interface, 82.5% of users found the flow easy to complete, and 90% of users succeeded in capturing their faces on their first try. As a result, 92.5% of users report a positive experience. Motion is 100% automated and able to process 99% of users’ faces in less than 20 seconds. We were granted iBeta level 2 compliance on iOS and Android, which means we can prevent fraud in all but the most sophisticated attacks.


In partnership with Product and Engineering leadership, our design team launched Onfido Studio, a robust identity orchestration layer that enables organizations to build and optimize multiple identity verification workflows using a no-code user interface. This release improved fraud accuracy by 54% and fully automated performance by 12x.

Studio represents the future of our platform, enabling our clients to configure and optimize their identity verification workflows, leading to increased conversion, reduced Customer Acquisition Costs, resilience against fraud attacks, and compliance with global regulations out-of-the-box.

© Mark Opland 2023